
Funded projects

2023-25Museum Closure in the UK (2000-2025) (~£1,000,000, UKRI AHRC)
Co-I with Prof Fiona Candlin et al. Museums are defined as permanent institutions and are intended to preserve collections for posterity. Yet their closure is common and their closure is usually understood in terms of failure and loss. To date, there has been no research on how closure differs across institutions or on which collections have stayed in public circulation and which have disappeared. This project will examine different types of closure, the flows of objects and knowledge from museums in the aftermath of closure, and the afterlife of collections. In doing so, we will critically reassess notions of permanence and loss within the museum sector.  [Read more]
2021–23 • Museums in the pandemic (~£190,000, UKRI AHRC)
Co-I with Prof Fiona Candlin et al. What is happening to UK museums in the covid pandemic? We will use web-scraping techniques, natural language processing, and sentiment analysis to digitally track trends as they emerge. Interview-based research will analyse the conditions that underpin risk, closure, and resilience.  [Read more]
2020–21 • Localizing Content Governance in Place-named Facebook Groups (US$ 74,000, Facebook Research)
Co-I with Dr Scott Rodgers and Dr Susan Moore. How might place-named Facebook Group Administrators and Moderators be supported in fostering constructive local dialogue, while adhering to platform Community Standards and Groups Policies? [Read more]
2019–20 • Searching for Unique Places (£48,000, Ordnance Survey)
PI. This project will develop a framework for the search and recommendation of places. Unlike entities with clear boundaries, places such as neighbourhoods and towns are configurations of geo-located objects with fuzzy and arbitrary borders. Existing similarity search approaches have been optimised to support the retrieval of individual objects, such as images, restaurants, and products, but, to date, not for complex aggregates of entities, such as places. [Read more]

Research consultancy

2016–20 • Mapping Museums: The history and geography of the UK independent sector (1960-2020)
Team member of Mapping Museums, a four-year project that will produce the first authoritative database of museums that opened and closed during a period of rapid expansion and change, and will provide the first evidence-based history of independent museums and their links to wider cultural, social, and political concerns. Funded by AHRC, led by Prof Fiona Candlin (Birkbeck, University of London). [about] [team] • AHRC, £809,968
2016–17 • Planning, participation and social media platforms
Scientific consultant and part of grant writing team. We want to explore to what extent social media platforms (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) have become important intermediaries in public debate and discussion relating to urban transformations. We are specifically interested in cases where transformations have been brought about through local authority regeneration schemes. We are focusing on the cycling and road infrastructure scheme known as ‘Mini-Holland’ in the London Borough of Waltham Forest. We are interested in the interplay between, on the one hand, the way social media platforms work, and on the other hand, how these platforms are used, by both ‘ordinary’ contributors as well as professionals and activists. Led by Dr Susan Moore (University College London). • EPSRC, £29,075
2016–17 • Health Analytics Network of Ireland (HANI)
Member of Health Analytics Network of Ireland (HANI) consortium and grant writing team that won funding from the Health Service Executive for analysis of a number of Irish health datasets. Funded by Health Service Executive, led by Prof Mary Codd, UCD Centre for Support and Training in Analysis and Research (CSTAR), School of Public Health, Physiotherapy and Sports Science, University College Dublin (Ireland). [cstar] • Health Service Executive, €162,000